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  Cost Of Not 

The Cost Of NOT Making Money On The Internet Has Just Gone Up
By David Notestine, Creator of the Zeus Internet Marketing Robot.  

These are troubling times for the Internet. Investors have turned away in droves from dot-com businesses. Many of these dot-coms have gone belly-up and have slid below the surface of cyberspace. Everyone believed the hype about the Internet being an untapped gold mine. Myths upon myths were perpetuated. Now, even the big names have cash flow problems. Like giant stars they burned brilliantly at first, surviving off the cash they were fed but have since collapsed into black holes, now wanting to survive by sucking in the wary.  They are themselves in meltdown scenarios.

Notable among these are the mighty search engines. They thrived and relied on the billions of dollars being thrown about by the dot-coms backed by wealthy investors and the money seemed endless. With everybody trying to get their share of website traffic, billions were spent in advertising dollars making their stock seemingly attractive. The billions in marketing didn’t work. It left the debris of failed dot-coms throughout cyberspace. The dispensers of knowledge failed them, just like they failed the majority of webmasters who were trying to get their own fair share of visitor traffic.  How can any Webmaster’s website thrive on the few measly visitors a day that the search engines dispense to the lucky ones?

Didn’t anyone ever stop to think that the form of website marketing being propagated on the net, is wrong and is largely to blame for this financial meltdown? Money was spent in inefficient ways. Most dot-coms are failing, because the basic premise of Internet Marketing has been wrong.

The Internet powers-that-be have behaved like the temple moneychangers of old. They masked their greed with falsehoods about Internet Marketing and led the marketing plans of webmasters astray. They told everyone that the search engines were everything if you wanted web traffic. They narrowed everyone’s thinking to only rely on the search engines. The basic algorithm of marketing became to trick others into thinking that their websites had content, even if they didn’t. Instead of information being dispensed by the quality of content, it was dispersed by trickery. The end justified the means. Websites with magnificent content, that should have been at the top of the search engines list, didn’t even appear. What went wrong?

Many webmasters did what they had to do to, they fought for the traffic that the search engines re-directed so feebly. High marketing muckety-mucks had us spend time on marketing plans that masked the true content of our websites. Search engines, and the marketing concepts that evolved relating to such, didn’t work for the majority of webmasters. Most wasted months or years of time, which could’ve been spent productively. Many of us have been misled.

Now, with belts tightening, the search engines have started to turn their attentions elsewhere, to other sources for money. Now, they want us, the webmasters, to pay for a concept that didn’t work when it was free. Why would it work now?

As the search engines lose money, a desperate scramble for funds has ensued. Most sources have either become extremely cautious or have simply dried up. The entire economy of the Internet was based on self-deception, its stock was overvalued. Now search engines need funds to survive. Guess how they’re going to get those funds?

More and more, Internet search engines have begun the practice of fee-based submissions and listings. You can still submit the old way, but if you want to insure that you’ll be picked up quickly or at all, it’ll cost you. The charge for this can run as high as $199 US. In some cases it’s a one-time fee. Others charge monthly. Some of the more enterprising companies out there are making some webmasters bid on their own keywords.


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This is corrupt, being against the very nature of the Internet. As if that isn’t enough, the way the search engines work hasn’t really changed. So, you are basically paying them to be as ineffective as they’ve always have been and your website still loses. Here we enter an unusual situation. The way search engines work isn’t effective, yet we are being told the only way to get web traffic is to go through search engines. But now it costs all of us for the privilege of still getting no traffic. You can submit to them, you may improve your chances if you pay, and the search engines still do not guarantee you’ll get traffic. Isn’t this called extortion?

There is only one way to get true, consistent, qualified traffic, one that does not rely on submitting to search engines. If you want traffic to your website, build roads to it. These are called links. Then provide content, so your new visitors come back. It's simple to build roads to your web site with links.  The more links that are pointing to your site, the more visitors you get. After all, a search engine is nothing more than a link pointing to you.

By this time you’re wondering, how can links replace search engines? They don’t replace them as links have been there all along, it’s just the powers that be haven’t wanted you to see the truth and the truth is simple. The basis of this truth is in the basic algorithm of the Internet, which is that HTML pages link to each other so surfers can quickly find the content they want. Linking and content are everything, period.

It would be wonderful if we could convince hundreds of websites to place a link on their websites pointing to ours. It's tough to get a link pointing to you, without giving one in return. In reality we need to offer a trade. “I’ll place a link on my website pointing to yours if you place a link on your website pointing to mine.” Many webmasters love this as they know the Truth. Isn't that what the Internet is all about; everyone working together? The ones working together get the most traffic. A website without links pointing to it, is a dead website.

At this point you may say that you’ve read or you may believe putting a link to another site only makes it easy for one of your visitors to leave your site. Think about this a moment. Do you ever feel compelled to stay at a site when you have decided to leave? Sounds like the roach motel of cyberspace; visitors come in but never leave! Not a chance! They go to their personal link directory, in their browser, called ‘Favorites’. If you don’t have what they want; they are gone, no matter how you try to trap them. Build them an organized link resource on the subject they are interested in and they will save you in their favorites.

In the year 2000, the search engines acknowledged that link analysis was being used in scoring their query results. Articles have appeared, teaching those reading them, that links pointing to you and links pointing to others will help your search engine positioning. Everyone involved with Internet marketing needs to stop this kind of thinking as it’s only propagating the myth about search engines being the sole source of traffic. The real truth is that search engines are nothing more than links pointing to your website, controlled by programs randomly dolling out traffic. It’s not about using reciprocal links to increase your search engine positioning so they send you traffic. It’s about reciprocal links providing you the traffic in the first place. Forget the search engines; after submitting concentrate on reciprocal links and content and you will provide yourself with consistent traffic. Then the search engines will send you even more traffic, but by that time, you won’t need them.

For most of us, completely forgetting about the search engines is our first step to Internet marketing. I’m not saying don’t submit. I’m saying build your web pages the best you can, hand submit to the major search engines, then forget them. Imagine being able to find what you’re really after, and imagine people who come to your sites because they want to be there, not because they were tricked into going, or because you paid for them to come in your direction by an errant search. This is the true way.

It’s hard to say just how long many of the search engines, in their current mode of operation, will last. Undoubtedly, there will be mergers and bankruptcies as the weak die out and the strong survive. The search engines will always be around, however. What is needed is a total change of thought. As to their importance in traffic generation, the search engines should be thought of as only one of many ways to get traffic and not the best way for most of us.

Content has been reprinted with permission of the author. First appeared in http://www.cyber-robotics.com, © 2000 - 2001 David Notestine, all rights remain with author.



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